Monday 21 January 2008

Baby on board.... sorta!

Well I am officially in the Two Week Wait (TWW). We had a perfect single blastocyst embryo transferred this afternoon, and now I am resting up, hoping that it implants! As you may have gathered (!)

I was a little nervous heading into the clinic today, but the procedure was over and done with relative ease. It was the the embarrasement and uncomfortable nature of it all I think that affects me the most. Dildo cam with a nurse in the room - no problem. OPU under general anaesthetic? Easy. But having five people in the room poking, prodding and observing - it's just a little too much for me. Hopefully this is the last time that we will go through this so I can deal with it now it's done.

Back to lying on the couch for me, fingers crossed the next two weeks goes super fast!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you, Bec!!! A large leap forward from last cycle! Woot! All pretzelled up, hope time flies now xx
