Wednesday 26 August 2009

Unexpected Support

Hey Bec,

I have been meaning to write to you for the longest time but felt I just didn't have the right words to say but didn't want you to think I wasn't thinking of you either.

You would have heard this all before but I have friends who are and have been in your situation and while I would never ever pretend to know how you feel I just wanted you to know that I am always thinking of you both and I am sending you every bit of strength and love I can muster.

You are both two of the most loving, decent, generous human beings I have ever met and quite frankly I think it stinks that you have to go through this.

Anyway enough of my rambling, the short version is if you ever even just need to vent or need anything whatever, whenever we will be both here.

Lots of love

K & M


I just received this email from my cousins wife, who I haven't seen for over year. To be honest I have always been a little jealous of K, I remember talking to her when she was just about to get married (a year after me), and they said they wouldn't start trying straight away - of course they fell pregnant the next month, and have since had another little baby recently. I get along great with both of them, but they live a distance away, and to be honest the friendship has fallen by the wayside. It was such a nice surprise to hear from her, and to get such strong support, just when I need it most.


  1. What a sweet wonderful letter. Oh if only there were more people in the world like her. All we want is a little bit of understanding. We all get that women who are fertile don't get it, but to have them validate our sadness means so much!

  2. Bec I'm glad to read that you've got so much support around you, you are indeed lucky in that respect, in fact I envy you, bet you'd never think that someone would envy you right now eh but I do.

    Surrounded by support and love, we can battle and overcome anything and you my friend have bucketloads of both!


  3. Aww what a sweet letter. I hope can take her up on her offer of help. That's very nice that you have so many people that love you and want to help you and Murray.
