Tuesday 11 August 2009

epu tomorrow

Cant's sleep. So nervous. My brain wont stop going over everything.

Egg collection is 8.30 tomorrow morning. We don't know if we will get to transfer this time - my progesterone was 7.8 on Monday (the day of my hcg trigger) which can mean that my hormones are out of wack and not suitable for transfer. My clinic said that 7 is fine but 8 is usually the cut off for doing a freeze-all cycle. Something about the higher progesterone level being an indicator that my body has already moved on to the next part of the cycle, and having lower success rates from it. But then I did some research and looked at a few journal articles on line, some say that there is a negative correlation between elevated p4 levels on the day of your trigger and pregnancy rates, but a lot of the studies show no difference, one study even said it could be a good thing in pcos patients! So I think we are going to go ahead with the transfer - even if the success rate is reduce to 20% - that is a 20% chance of being pregnant compared to a 0% chance in a freeze-all cycle.

But seriously - why couldnt this just go to plan!

Sorry my posts have been pretty shocking lately - spelling, grammar and content. My head keeps slipping back into a bad place and blogging hasnt been the highest of my priorites... I promise to get back to some sense of normality soon! Hopefully you won't have all disappeared on me!

PS - my bestie got 12 eggs at her egg collection on Monday and 10 fertilised today - yipee!!! Keep all your fingers and toes crossed for her as well!


  1. Good luck tomorrow! I hope those embies are mature and strong, and you get through it smoothly.

  2. Crossing fingers, toes and anything else I am physically able to cross for you, love! Good luck!

  3. Good luck tomorrow! I hope everything goes perfectly from here on out.

    (here from LFCA)

  4. I nominated you for an award on my blog.
