Sunday 30 August 2009

Nothing new

Just checking in, trying to catch up on all my bloggy friends who I have neglected during my latest crisis. It's been a pretty good weekend.

I got to speak to my Mum this afternoon which made me feel a little bit better - she was about to board a ferry taking her from Dover to France which I think is pretty cool. I also went out with some girlfriends on Saturday night and tried sushi for the first time - very cool! I even got the hang of chopsticks first go! Then my other girlfriends and I went out for breakfast this morning in East Perth which was nice.

Oh and the other exciting thing we did this weekend was buy a fish tank! I've been wanting to get a pet for a while, and I don't feel comfortable with getting a dog while we don't know if a baby could be joining the family sometime soon. So we have set up a tropical aquarium and will be looking for our first pet fish this week. I know it sounds a little nutty, but it will be nice to have something that we can take care of, and apparently it is meant to be very relaxing as well which is a nice bonus.

This is my last week in my current job which is quite exciting. Our branch was restructured and my position disappeared, with none of the other positions being suitable for me, so I start a three month acting position in HR working as the Recruitment Administrator while another girl goes on 12 weeks leave! It's really exciting, I have been in my old branch for four years and the last 18 months has been so incredibly stressful, especially in combination with doing IVF, and not necessarily seeing eye-to-eye with my boss. The work that I have been doing is very high-level and high-stress, so to get out of that is something I am looking forward to. I'm not sure where I will end up after the three months, but working in recruitment will mean I get to see all the vacant jobs as they get advertised, so at least I know what is around.

Time for sleep now, unfortunately I haven't been sleeping well so on a combination of Valium and Temazapam to get me to la-la land, eventually I will need to get myself off it but for now it does the job.


  1. I'm so glad that you got to talk to your mom. I've taken that ferry a couple of times! It was definitely scarier to take the train through the chunnel -- it was strangely colder when the train went under the water.I tried not to think about it, but it was still scary just the same.

    Your new position sounds exciting. It's a great opportunity to start fresh!

  2. YAY for talking to your mom! I'm glad you were able to have a nice chat with her. I bet you felt better after that.

    Sushi is amazing. Good work getting the hang of chopsticks. I am not even close to mastering those darn sticks!

    Good luck at your new position and with your fish tank. Both sounds very nice for you!

    Take care of yourself, hon.

  3. I'm glad you got to speak to your Mum and also got some time out with some girlfriends.

    How big is the fishtank? If you need any advice or got any questions about them feel free to ask, I've got 6 fish tanks including 3 BIG ones (over 700 litres) and used to work in an Aquarium shop, so happy to help out if you need it. Whatever you do don't stock it too heavily at first...depending on what size it is will depend on how many fish to put in it to start!

    They ARE relaxing by the way!

