Wednesday 19 August 2009


Really short post to say I am out of hospital and home. Pain was from blood trapped under my diaphram after the egg collection - still in pain but apparently it will slowly dissipate.

Cant even begin to talk about the results. We are going to counselling this afternoon. This was meant to be our last ivf. our last bit of money. our last chance. the last egg collection id have to deal with. 33 eggs to zero embryos. Im just filled with so many emotions, I cant even explain.

will write more tonight


  1. Bec - I am so glad you are out of the hospital. You have been on my mind all day. My heart just aches for you and I know that I have said this before, but I really wish I lived closer so I could be there for you.

    Give yourself time to grieve and please take care of yourself! My thoughts and prayers are with you my friend.

    I am so sorry

    The whole situation totally sucks.

  2. I reiterate what Nichole says only I feel bad because I DO live close enough to be there for you....

    No one should have to go through what you've just been through Bec...I could say so much more, so many angry words could tumble out of my mouth but it will do no good and so I shall just say I am angry on your behalf and I feel your sadness...

    If you need to talk you know where to contact me...


  3. I'm so sorry about the results. To say that they suck is an understatement.

  4. i don't have words bec.

    i'm sending you hugs and prayers.

  5. Oh Rebecca. I am so so sorry. I don't know what else to say. Sending HUGS from CA.

  6. I am so sorry too. This is so unfair!! I am thinking of you and sending hugs. Big ass hugs. xox

  7. I'm so sorry that you've had to go through this terrible ordeal. Thinking of you.

  8. I'm so sorry, love. Please take care of yourself. Take the offers of visits from friends who understand. They won't expect anything from you. They can just hold you or sit by you.

    Holding you and Murray in my heart.

  9. Glad you are out of the hospital. I just wanted to send you some love from the blogosphere. I wish I could take away your pain. My thoughts are with you.

  10. Bec, just devastated for you. Can you email me? I wanted to send you something.
    I hope the counselling session provided some answers and comfort for you.
    Sending my love xxxxx

  11. Bec I don't know whether you know this or not but your blog was mentioned in the latest Notebook magazine...

    September Issue, on page 34 under Blogs and Websites We're Checking Out.

    Hope you're doing ok

