Friday 28 August 2009

My last ditch effort

IF, we decide to try one final round of IVF, I want to make sure I throw everything at it. That means getting me into prime fertility mode. I want to put together a list of every possible thing I can do to improve my body. I'm no saint, but I want to make an effort to do anything and everything could make that 1% difference. I'd love some ideas from everyone on things that I may have missed.

Acupuncture - The Institute for Holistic Medicine is a training school for naturopaths, tcm and acupuncture. It's super cheap because the students are learning but they are supervised fully by a qualified practitioner. I can't afford to do acupuncture a lot as it is so expensive, but hopefully if I can get into this clinic, I will be able to get acupuncture all the way up to my cycle. I've never been to see a naturopath, being a natural sceptic, but I think it might be time to give it a go.

Losing weight - Yes I know this is a perennial goal of mine, but I have signed up for boot camp again, which is two sessions a week of hardcore cardio and weights, for eight weeks. It starts in September 9, so I should lose some serious weight during the eight weeks. I also plan to go back to my 'non-diet, healthy eating' plan which I have done before and gone well with. Basically it means toast for brekkie, fruit for morning/afternoon tea, salad/meat sandwich for lunch, and then a healthy dinner eg no takaway food which is our weakness. I also need to keep my water intake right up - I'm usually pretty good at this, but I might start using my Calorie King membership again to keep track of it all.

Vitamins - I obviously already take the recommended folate and iodine tablets, but I'm also going to add one of those ridiculously huge multivitamins to my diet - who knows, any little boost could make the difference.

Work - I am starting a new job in two weeks (which is a whole other post!) but I will be working from 8am to 4pm, instead of my current 9-5. This means a hell of a lot less sleep in the morning, so I need to be really vigilant about going to bed at a decent time, so I'm not struggling through the day. Our gym at work has been refurbished and has some new equipment, so I'm also planning, when I feel depressed at work, to go down to the gym at lunchtime and maybe sit on an exercise bike or treadmill to get some endorphins happening.

Depression - I need to get myself out of it. I'm on antidepressants and have been for a year now, which are now my baseline. I also have a script for Diazepam which I have been using sparingly. I don't want to be at the point where I still need the Valium come IVF time, so I need to build some positive strategies to pull myself through this time.

I have a lot of other plans about what I want to do in regards to treatment, but before I even get into that headspace, I need to get my mind and body right. Would love suggestions for other things I can do to get myself right for another cycle.

I really am getting ahead of myself. I want another cycle, but Murray doesn't. Deadlock. Oh well, I guess this can't be bad for me to do it anyway...


  1. Multivitamins for the men folk are also important!

  2. Good luck with it, even if you don't do another cycle getting fitter can only help your mindset and make you feel better about yourself.


  3. I have PCOS and didnt have a period for 6 months. I started to follow a low GL diet (you probably already know/have heard of this!)- if i have toast in the morning it has to have nuts and seed in it and be topped with tuna or cheese to slow the release of sugar from the bread down, as opposed to jam or honey!. If i eat fruit i have a few almonds with it for the same purpose. Every meal i make sure there is a good chunk of meat with it. I dont touch any drinks other than tea and water. My periods are like clockwork now. I still have treats but i make sure i eat them stright after a meal with meat in. I used to have a cereal bar for breakfast on the run and a hot chocoalte mid morning - pure sugar! It took a while to train myself to eat like this but I must be doing something right. Still no baby yet but surely having periods and therefore ovulating by myself (which i am now, I do the at home tests) will increase my chances!!

    hope this helps!?

  4. I think that seeing an acupuncturist is going to help you so much. It is such a great way to heal your body and I think that it is so relaxing (I would fall asleep pretty much during every treatment).

    I definitely think that Murray should go on some good quality vitamins (Mr. JB is on a really good mix to help with his swimmers). He should also try an exercise regimen as well as reduce his alcohol intake.

    Regardless of whether you cycle again, all of these things are going to help your body and your mind.

    Good luck!!!

  5. Bec,

    I am a fellow PCOS sufferer, and although I have been reading your blog for a while, I am your latest follower!

    Acuptunure and vitamins are a great idea! I don't ovulate by myself and I have been seeing a naturopath for a while and I am also starting acupuncture on Monday. My naturopath suggested it, and although I am a little amprehensive, I am willing to try anything to bring on a BFP!

    I wish you all the best in your TTC journey.


  6. I would leave all sugar out of the diet, and as one mentioned use balanced diet that is low in glucosa.

    And remember sugar is in everything prepaired, so make your onwn food, bake your bread or buy healthy bread with out sugar and with lot of fibers.
