Thursday 20 March 2008

What gives you the right?

This cycle really has been a cycle of ups and downs.

Last night I had a big cry to my Mum because of what somebody had said about me to somebody else. Confused? Me too.

I called my brother last night to see how the new baby was going, and I had told him previously that I would be going into hospital for an IVF procedure, but hadn't given him any other details. Because it can be quite confusing, and also because a lot of my family don't know about us doing IVF, it's easier to leave it like that for the moment. Mitchell asked if I was okay after the procedure and I said I was fine and just a little bit sore.

Then he said that his girlfriend's (Alicia) mother had been saying some things about me, basically questioning why I was doing IVF, that I was too young to know what I was doing and that I was obviously getting ripped off, because there was no need for us to do IVF.

My first question is, what the hell gives this woman who doesn't know me at all, the right to talk about me and question my decisions? And then to say disparaging things to my brother and his gf about me, that's just not right!
Why does IVF suddenly put my life and my decisions on the table for discussion? It happens at work, with family and friends, and now with strangers as well. It's all well and good to think what you want to think, it's called free will. But don't go around, talking about something that you clearly have no idea about whatsoever, deliberately trying to make me look bad.

I stayed calm while I was on the phone to Mitchell, and explained that both Murray and I had medical issues which is the reason we need IVF, and that our chances of conceiving naturally were very low. After I explained that, he got really upset that this woman had said what she had said. I kept myself together until I got off of the phone, and then I called my Mum and cried my eyes out.

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