Friday 21 March 2008

Our little embryos...

I just got off the phone from Steve at the clinic who gave us an update on how our embryos are going. At the moment we have one 8-cell embryo, three 6-cell embryo's, and the others have arrested.

Transfer is booked in for 11:15am on Sunday, but Steve will call us in the morning to make sure that we have a blastocyst to transfer.

I feel so relieved to hear that they are growing well, I wish I could get an update on them every day!


  1. Hi, guess what-- we are right in step with you for a Sunday transfer. I will be checking in on you daily and I totally agree- I wish we could get daily updates on the embryos.

  2. Fabulous news about your embryos, Bec. I can't wait to hear about your transfer!
