Saturday 9 May 2009

My prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, I give you praise today and forevermore.
Father, I come to you in Jesus' name to ask you to protect and bless the baby in my womb.
I thank you, for every good and perfect gift comes from you.
I am so happy that I am pregnant and that you have blessed us with a baby.
Lord you said all that you create or created is good (Genesis 1: 25).
I thank you, Father, that the baby growing in side of me is your creation.
All your works are perfect, for every good and perfect gift comes from you (James 1:17).
I thank you for this perfect child.
In your name I pray. Amen.


  1. Beautiful Bec - absolutely beautiful!

  2. Hmmm it is beautiful and I'm glad that you can pray to be thankful for what you have been blessed with....


    God is not someone whom I personally have faith in or even believe in...he's put me through too much shit for me to believe he could believe any good could come out of it.

  3. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG babe i am soooooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    its happening ou are going to be a mummy!!!!

  4. A beautiful prayer for your child. Faith is something that will go a long way during your anxious times in this pregnancy. ((hugs))

  5. Bec!!! You're pregnant!??!! I've been busy the last few weeks and just catching up now. Oh, I am so excited for you!

    I hope you can find some relief from anxiety in these next few weeks. I will be thinking of you all the time!

  6. Bec, I'm praying my thanks to the Lord right along with you :)
