Monday 25 May 2009

It's over

This is not a viable pregnancy. The sac only measured 6 weeks, there was no sign of a baby or a heartbeat. I have been given the option to miscarry naturally or have a d&c. I have no preference for either.

I don't know how to feel. I have cried but only superficially. I feel numb. I have moments of extreme sadness yet I stop them as soon as they start, for I am too scared to deal with the pain it brings. I almost feel like it is happening to someone else. Surely it's not happening to me? I am pregnant remember? I've put on weight, my breasts are sore, I have bonded with my baby in utero. Surely it is all but a dream and I will wake up with a baby in my arms.


  1. Oh honey I'm SO sorry! Sending you SO many thoughts and prayers and hugs. I wish there was more I could do for you.

  2. Oh crap Bec and Murray :( I've been thinking about you heaps and am so sad and sorry about the outcome xoxo

  3. Oh bollocks, this was NOT the post I was hoping you were going to post today :-(

    I'm so sorry....



  4. Bugger! Bec I'm so desperately, profoundly sorry. Can I support you in any way?

  5. I'm so sorry. Its not fair, you have been through so much.
    Thinking of you.

  6. i am so sorry bec. i have no words, but i do have prayers.

    sending you big hugs.

  7. This sucks, and I know how crushing it is. Big hugs to the both of you.

  8. I'm so sorry. You have been through so much and I feel such sadness reading this. Please know you are in my thoughts.

  9. Bec - I am at a loss for words. All I can say is that I am so sorry, I am thinking of you and wishing I was there to hug you. This is so wrong!

    My heart goes out to you and Murray!

  10. I have been thinking of you all day, and when we had the same loss at 6 weeks, it was brutal, big hugs to you.
    I also deleted my blog, but, will continue to follow along with your journey.

  11. Bec sweetheart, I'm so so sorry :( do whatever you think is best re the D&C, but if you need any advice (from someone who has had 2 D&Cs from 4 miscarriages), you know where to find me ok? Love to you and Murray xoxo

  12. I'm very sorry. I don't know if you want any comfort at this time, but remember that your body knows how to be pregnant, so it can do it again.

  13. Honey, I have no words. Just please know I am thinking of you both and praying for you. Will call you tonight. xx

  14. From someone who is experiencing something similiar at the moment. My thoughts are with you ......Time heals.

  15. Love and hugs. I am so sorry.
