Tuesday 26 May 2009


I spent most of today in hospital. We decided that we would go ahead with a d&c so that they could test the 'products of conception' to find out what went wrong. Once we made that decision, I just wanted to get it done as soon as possible, which is how I found myself at admissions at 9am this morning.

Mike, my obs, was lovely, so caring and compassionate. He came and saw me before the procedure for 5 minutes to talk about how I was feeling and what would happen. My Mum came along with me for the day as Murray couldn't really afford to take any more time off of work. Unfortunately the overflow of the day surgery patients are put in the same ward as the maternity patients, so I got to listen to babies crying while I got dressed, ready to have my baby taken away from me. Thank God my Mum was with me, I don't know how I would have coped otherwise. I remember waking up in recovery and just crying my eyes out.

I am still bleeding heavily, and was told to expect to bleed for a week or two. I also have to organise a follow up appointment with Mike for 4-6 weeks time. I have asked him if I am able to swap to have him as my fertility specialist as well, as he works for the same clinic as my FS, and he said that would be absolutely fine. I just need a new referral.

I feel very lost. I don't want to do IVF again. But I have to. I don't want to do anything every again. Work. Fun, Seeing people. Eating. It is all too hard. But I have to. Because that's what I do.


  1. I'm so sorry Bec. I haven't stopped thinking about you and sending you so many thoughts. I hope you're getting them.

  2. This kind of loss is such a horid, awful heart wrenching experience, and I felt really messed up for weeks and months later. It is torture that maternity and ob patients get lumped together, just torture. Be kind with yourself, be gentle.

  3. I'm so sorry Bec....one day at a time hon.....and know you're in my thoughts.


  4. Sweetheart, I've been thinking about you and I'm so sorry. I'm glad you met Mike. He's a beautiful man isn't he? I am glad he will be looking after you. And I am so very sorry for your loss. xxxx

  5. i'm sending you hugs and prayers.

    honestly, there has to be some sort of law passed so maternity and ob patients don't have to see one another!

  6. My reaction to my D&C was ....So when can I try again. Now that I have had some time I realise that how that was just a knee jerk reaction.

  7. I missed this post earlier in the week - I am so, so very sorry for your loss. I hope you are starting to feel better, at least physically. I know it will be a while emotionally.
