Monday 8 October 2007

What a weekend...

I am absolutely exhausted. I've only just gotten home and I feel like a total wreck.
My Mum was involved in a car accident yesterday afternoon. She was stopped at a traffic light and this car came up and didn't even attempt to stop and slammed into the back of her, pushing her into the car in front of her. She ended up going in the ambulance with the lady from the car that hit her to hospital to be checked out. I was so scared for her. Ended up waiting in the Emergency waiting room for several hours while they checked her out. She is fine thank goodness, looks like she has a bit of whiplash and general aches and pains in her back, but other than that she is okay. Her car is a write-off though, we had to go to the towing yard today to get all of her work stuff out of the car. Thankfully insurance will cover it all.
I am just so grateful that she is okay. I don't know what I would do without her.

On the IVF front, I'm doing okay, very emotional, headachey and exhausted but okay. I really, My injection this morning REALLY hurt, more than all of the rest of them put together. Oh my god, and my skin is soooooo bad! Usually I get a couple of pimple's here and there but I have about 10 huge ones all over my chin- I look like a monster!!!

Really don't want to go back to work tomorrow, but I know that I have to. Hopefully noone pisses me off, unless they want me to bite their head off.

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