Wednesday 3 October 2007

Latest results

Had another blood test this morning, I was quite apprehensive but the nurse was lovely and managed to score two vials of blood with barely an 'Ouch'. The clinic called this afternoon and they want me to continue on with my current injection dose, and come in on Friday for a blood test and ultrasound. I assume that means that my body is finally reacting to the gonal-f, not that they have said that... I wish people would actually say what is going on. I guess it's my fault for not asking as well. Will definitely have to ask more questions when I go in on Friday.

We had a lovely day today, went and saw the 'Egyptian antiquities from the Louvre' at the Perth Art Gallery, not something we would usually do but it was really fascinating. Just had a yummy bowl of fat-free sorbet, and fresh strawberries & pineapple.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad the injections are going well. Definitely speak up for yourself if you are unsure of anything going on. You are the one paying them so keep that in mind. You are the patient and you have a right to any and all information about your protocol.

    That sorbet sounds delish :)
