Friday 5 October 2007

Another not very inventive title...

I've decided that I'm not a particuarly good writer. I always harboured dreams of writing a book one day, specifically about infertility. After reading through the last couple of pages of my blog, I think I need to give up that dream!

Had another blood test and ultrasound today. Ultrasound shows 14 follicles, with the biggest only at 8mm. Am upping my gonal-f to 112.5 daily from now on. The stupid nurse only gave me a 450 pen instead of a 900 like last time, so its only going to last me until Wednesday, and then I have to go in for another bt & ultrasound.

Ive had a lovely day, breakfast at Kailis Bros, then a massage and pedicure at a day spa (A bday present from my best friend Rach) and then an acupuncture session. Despite all this I feel angry and frustrated. Stupid hormones. Stupid world.


  1. Hang in there sweetheart, you're getting there - and never give up on your dreams, most writers that are eventually published are often not the most talented, but the most persistent. Even JK Rowling had Harry Potter rejected loads before it was finally taken up!

  2. I've always wanted to write a book but I don't think I have the patience. It really does take time and I have a hard time coming up with a really good story.

    I'm glad you've got some juicy follies. I hope they get bigger and better by Weds!
