Monday 29 October 2007

Very sleepy

Am finally off to bed, had a nightmare of a day yesterday. As I've mentioned previously, my Mum was involved in a car accident a couple of weeks back and has been in a fair amount of pain since (mainly muscular in her back) . On Friday night she tried to wash her hair, started to feel dizzy and fell over hurting herself even more. Since then she started getting nauseous and had a permanent migraine. I only got a phone call at Sunday lunch time from her partner's sister who had been looking after her. When I arrived she was shaking, couldnt eat, drink, walk or hold a conversation and was vomiting every half an hour.
I managed to get her to the emergency room around 8pm (she's one of these people who is convinced she is okay and doesnt need help - grrr!). No beds were available so she had to lie on the ground covered in a blanket that I brought with me as she can't sit up for long periods of time since the accident. Thank goodness she was able to get in within an hour. The Dr's put her on a drip and a heap of drugs and we eventually left the hospital at around 4am but she was still feeling crappy. Put her to bed and thank goodness this morning she was feeling a bit better. Still has bad muscular pain but the head was down to a 'dull roar' - her words.

I know I have used this blog previously to vent about the emergency department and unfortunately yesterday's experience hasn't changed my mind. The Dr's wouldn't say a thing to me even though my mum was completely out of it, I was only allowed to see her for 2 minutes and then told to go back in the waiting room even though [1] I am her next of kin [2] I wasnt in anyones way [3] it wasnt busy and [4] last time I was allowed to stay for a lot longer! Evil triage nurse!!!

The main thing is she is doing better which Im very happy about. It was really horrible to watch her curled up into the feotal position rocking back and forth.

In other news, AF hasn't arrived yet which is doing my head in. Will temp tomorrow and depending on that, I might test...
I have a counselling session at the clinic tomorrow so might mention it to them and get them to do a BT & also check progestrone levels.

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