Tuesday 2 October 2007

Feeling emotional

I'm on the verge of tears and I don't know why. I know logically that it's probably just the hormones effect on me but I feel like a different person all the time, one minute I'm happy and fine, an hour later I'm wanting to crawl into bed and never wake up. Grrrr...

Murray has been applying for jobs and there was one we were really hoping for, but he got a letter today saying he had been unsuccessful. He is so upset about it and I feel so helpless. I've tried to comfort him and take his mind off things but there's only so much I can do.

Murray really wants us to get out of Perth and live/work somewhere else for a bit. He wants either Melbourne, Dubai or the UK. I've said I will do it if it's right for us. Originally we were thinking of doing it for 2009 but now he is talking about going next year. I'm very conflicted about it all. I love my job a lot and have some really great career opportunities over the coming years, but if I'm going to take time off to have a baby anyway, that's not a major factor. I love being close to my Mum but she could take off at any minute anyway. I love Perth but it is so expensive to live here now, it's hard to make our mortgage payments and it's not going to get any easier once I'm on maternity leave or if I wanted to work part-time. I don't want to give birth overseas, and I wouldn't do fertility treatment elsewhere. I'm feeling very conflicted by everything. It's starting to become a trend :-(

Off to have a good cry.

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