Tuesday 10 November 2009


Am at home today, I've had the flu since Thursday but today I could't get out of bed, my head was pounding and I couldn't stop coughing. So here I am. I'm trying to motivate myself in between naps to get up and do a little bit of cleaning, so that we aren't living in such a dump. We haven't exactly been in the mood to keep a tidy house over the last two weeks, and as naturally messy people, well the house is not visitor-friendly right now. So my aim for the day is in between coughing fits, to get at least all of my clothes washing done and put away. Just small little goals to help get us through. Anyone know of a good cleaner in Perth?!

Murray came to me last night and asked me if I would be okay with him asking someone to be our sperm donor. He wants to ask a good friend of ours S, he was a groomsmen at our wedding and is a genuine lovely guy. He is adopted himself so understands our situiation. He is engaged and his fiance is pregnant with their child so it is a big decision for him. He knows all about what we have been through, and Murray and him have talked about the sperm donor issue and whats involved etc, but we have never asked him to do it for us. Murray has arranged to meet up with him for drinks later this week, as it is definitely a face-to-face conversation that is needed. I'm definitely comfortable with the idea of S being the donor, I guess my only concern is a selfish one, that we would then have to wait an additional 6 month waiting period, whereas with donor bank sperm we could start straight away next year.

(Im going to call him S, even though I usually always use names, because I don't feel it's right for me to invade his privacy on such a sensitive issue - so S it is until he says otherwise)

I would prefer a known donor though. One thing I have learnt through all of this adoption workshops is that a persons origins are very important and especially during the teenage years, people that dont know absolutely everything they need to know (extended family, do I act like my Dad, does my Dad like the same things I like), it can make a big difference to them. So having someone they can actually ask those questions to, can only be a good thing. Whether or not they want to do this though, is completely up to them, and I 100% understand if he declines.


  1. Knowing your donor does have its perks. Hopefully S will agree and you will be on your way. Hope you get well soon. it is no fun to be sick!

  2. I know of a cleaner who is supposed to be good and will clean for $15/hour and do a 2 hour min clean. He is from overseas and needs to support his family. He is hard working and reliable. Colin - 0448003251
