Saturday 21 June 2008

Nothing to report

I have my period and am a grumpy bitch. Nothing out of the ordinary really. I have spent the last three days of my life at a conference for work which I really could have done without. I rang the clinic and begged to start our FET this cycle but they refused. Apparently my body needs a break from all the drugs. Fuckers. Like they know what my body needs. I do know that we need a cash injection though and quickly. We have spent all of our cash on IVF and I honestly don't know how we are going to make our mortgage payment this week. I think Murray and I need to have a serious sit down to decide whether or not we can afford to keep our house.


  1. Bec, I'm sorry to hear that things aren't looking up both emotionally and financially. Look after yourself. I think a chat with the hubby is a good!

  2. Wow-- that is a tough decision to make about your house. Definitely does sound like a game plan is in order. It is so unfair that IF treatments are so expensive!!

    Good luck making your decisions.

  3. Oh crap. Situations like this make me want to punch people in the face when they bring out the "age" card. Does youth help pay the mortgage as well as IVF? So sorry hun :(

  4. Hey- thanks for commenting on my blog. I am so sorry to hear this is a tough time for you guys right now!

    Hopefully the talk with your hubby went well.
