Sunday 1 June 2008

The countdown is on!

I did my trigger injection this evening at 9pm so the countdown is officially on! In 34 hours time, I will be getting my eggs collected. I'm really nervous about it, I haven't been sleeping properly because I can't stop thinking about it all. My goal is to get at least 10 eggs. I'd really like to have obviously an embryo to transfer but if possible, also one to freeze. I am struggling this cycle to get through everything and I don't think I have it in me to do another fresh cycle anytime soon. Fingers crossed this is it.


  1. Sending good thoughts your way! Try to relax in the meantime as much as possible, and I hope it works out perfectly for you.

  2. Bec, you're in my thoughts and prayers right now. I hope everything goes beautifully and that we're hearing some fantastic news from you in a few weeks!

  3. Fingers and toes crossed so tight for you!
