Saturday 7 June 2008

All fun and games

Yep I have OHSS. And as per my previous post - it sucks hard. I have put on 12cm around my stomach, 5cm around my abdomen and 4 kilos in the four days since my egg collection. I still can't walk without wincing from the pain and have constant nausea. I rang the clinic this morning about the nausea and bloating (OK so maybe I didn't tell them all my symptoms...) and they told me to keep drinking lots of water, at least three litres a day, and to drink some protein shakes in addition to that to keep up my strength. I'm scared of the transfer tomorrow, I really want to go ahead with it but once the clinic see how big my stomach has gotten, I don't know what they'll do. Honest to god, I look like I am five months pregnant. Will update tomorrow morning, hopefully with some better news.

1 comment:

  1. Hoping you feel better soon...I really hope all works out with the transfer. Get some rest and keep chugging away with the water/fluids.
