Thursday 17 April 2008

Boot straps

So I'm slowly pulling myself up by my bootstraps... whatever that means.
I have had some time to be sad and retreat into myself, and I am ready to try and get myself back to some sense of normalcy.

First step is to keep going to the gym and keep my happy endorphins pumping. I start boot camp on April 28 which will definitely help with that. I really don't want to end up on anti-depressants. I know they work wonders for a lot of people, but I really want to try everything in my power before I head down that path.

I also need to start being more proactive at work. I have the whole of next week off so that will give me a chance to have a good break from it, and then allow me to throw myself back into my job whole-heartedly. With all the management changes at work, I have allowed myself to be brought down and I'm not happy with that.

Another thing that I need to do is to make time for Murray and I. Through a lot of the stuff that has happened over the last year, I have tended to retreat into myself and we deal with things seperately. Even though I cope well like that, he doesn't so I need to take that into account when things don't go as planned.

We have booked a mini getaway for next week, we are spending Sunday & Monday nights down in Margaret River at Basildene Manor. We like to visit the south-west at least once a year, and we got lucky that there was still a room available at the last minute. It will be good to get away and spend a couple of nights just with each other.

So here goes, I am trying to change my attitude and my outlook on life - one day at a time.


  1. Thank you for your comment. That e-mail was harsh, but I'm trying to understand how hard it is for people to respond to our situation. I'm gonna keep up on you, okay? Thanks again. I really needed that. It's been a rough day.

  2. Ooh that sounds like a wonderful time away with Murray!! I hope you two enjoy each other :D

  3. Bec-I hope you have a wonderful time on your mini retreat!

  4. Bec, it sounds like a great list of goals, and I know you can do it. Have a great, great time at your get-away.

  5. I hope you have an awesome vacation and that it gives you some time to rest up, recharge, and take good care of yourself.
