Sunday 11 November 2007

Trying to let go

I wasn't going to write about this in my blog because I didn't want to harp on about them, but it's hard to escape the fact that my brother and his partner's screwed up lives are a recurring theme in my life.

On Wednesday night I got a call from my brother asking if he could borrow some shoes. I thought it was quite strange but I brought a pair around for him. Then he proceeds to tell me how him and his friend had been 'jumped' while walking down the street. Apparently two aboriginal guys had a machete and pushed them into their car, put jumpers over their heads and took them to a local industrial park and beat the crap out of them. Then they took their shoes, wallets and phones and left them there.

Although the story is farfetched, and usually my first instinct would be that he is making it up, I believe him. His mate was at his house and it was quite obvious that it was the truth from their behaviour and emotions. I told them that they had to call the police and make a report. Of course they aren't going to do that. That would be "asking for trouble" apparently.

So while I am standing in their living room at 11 o'clock at night, trying to comprehend what has happened, Lulu sneaks out of her bedroom and starts running around. Fair enough, the house has been a bit noisy so I can understand letting her stay up for a bit. Then Alicia gives her a bag of chips for her to eat. At 11pm? Doesn't matter, step back Rebecca, you are not her mother just leave it alone.

Next Mitchell's friend asks for a drink and Alicia pulls out a bottle of Moet & Chandon that was in the fridge. Hang on, you guys don't have enough money to pay your rent every week, now you have a $100 bottle of champagne just lying around? According to Alicia, Mitchell gave it to her as a present and she was planning on drinking it this weekend. Never mind the fact that you are 22 weeks pregnant. Just deal with it Bec. You wouldn't do it but you can't control other people.

Then one of her neighbours pops by to drop off a yellow pages that she had borrowed. She stood on the verandah as she was having a cigarette but Mitchell told her to come inside. She asked if he was sure to which he replied "Yeah, we smoke in here all the time". I started having a go at Mitchell for ruining the house with smoke and he points the finger at Alicia saying "well she smokes inside too!". WHAT!!!!! She swore black and blue that she isn't smoking anymore. She is 22 weeks pregnant!!!!!!!!! I didn't say a word and just left. I couldn't handle being in the presence of someone who so clearly does not care about her unborn child.

They are having a baby girl. A little girl who will no doubt be gorgeous and bubbly and full of life. A little girl who deserves to have the best in life. A little girl that I would give anything in this world to have in my arms.

How do people do this?

1 comment:

  1. I find myself reading that with my mouth open and a welling indignance.

    I just don't understand the world.
