Sunday 4 November 2007

Friendships through IVF

I don't have a lot of friends, but the friends I do have I am incredibly close to. One of my best girlfriends has become quite distant from me since we started doing IVF which has upset me a bit. She is a wonderful person and I don't think it's deliberate but I just don't know.

I totally understand that she has a ridiculously busy life, but it just feels like she doesn't have time for me anymore. Maybe it has nothing to do with IVF, maybe it's her job or something else, but it's another one of those things where I can only see it through my 'IVF glasses' ie- everything is about IVF, that must be the reason she is avoiding me.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Rebecca,

    I can emphasize with you. I have found my friendships with my two closest friends very strained since I have been going through IVF. They don't even seem to care or ask how its going which really bothers me. When I raised it as a concern one of them said, "I don't want to deal with this negative stuff anymore!" Yikes. Felt like I was punched in the stomach.

    you're not crazy!

    Feeling crazy in Canada
