Friday 7 May 2010

If I see one more facebook status...

Before you were conceived, I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. When you were born, I saw your face and knew I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day I will. Mother's Day is approaching. Repost this if you have children you love more than life - multiple facebook updates for Mothers Day
Am trying so hard not lose my cool. I know these women mean well, and are proud of their mummy status. But my God it hurts sooo much. Rub it into my face why don't you. Yes you are a Mum. I am not. You have a beautiful baby or childy, who in your own words, you would 'die for'. Instead, my baby just died. Inside of me. No amount of anything could change that outcome. So while you have a wonderful day with your children, and think changing your facebook status to some cookie-cutter template makes it that much more special, I will sit at home trying to convince myself that the world will keep spinning.

Mothers Day IS a special day. But please, for goodness sakes, don't use such a clichéd, cut-and-paste bunch of words from someone else's status. Be original, acknowledge your love for your kids and then go and be with them. Hug them tight and close. Because you have something so amazing and special and you should never let go.


  1. Ahhh yes...I got so SICK of seeing this that I rewrote it and created my own version!!

    "Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before I lost you, I knew I'd love you & forget you never ~ Put this on your status if you have *ANGEL* children you love more than life itself.....

    I'm dreading Sunday.....I'm already on a huge downer...

    Big hugs Bec xxxxx

  2. I don't even want to think about Sunday. I'm so glad that I haven't seen that FB status yet!

  3. Bec - I'll be spending Sunday doing the Mothers Day Classic 8 km walk and thinking of my friends that won't have their children on Mothers Day .. I really hope your journey is not too much longer.

    Big Hugs.

  4. These women didn't write this to spite you. Your misfortune is terrible, but I think being angry or upset about what others write is quite selfish. Can you honestly say if you eventually did have a baby that you wouldn't write stuff that may offend people who cannot have a children? You wouldn't write about your pregnancy on your facebook? Or your child? A lot of people have lost their mothers, imagine how they feel on mothers day? I really hope you do eventually get your bub and things work out, but I think that this kind of negativity probably doesn't help when it comes your mental health and trying to get pregnant.

  5. i totally avoid fbook on all big holidays - ya gotta protect urself
