Monday 27 October 2008


I had my transfer this morning so we have one blastocyst on board. I have this urge to say that I have been sperminated but in fact I have been embryonated! So please meet the newest resident in my uterus - Bubble.

Luckily enough we only had to defrost one embryo so we still have two blastocysts left in storage. Should bubble not stick, we will likely do a double transfer next time and use them in one go. At least then we will have done everything we can for the timebeing. Enough fatalistic talk though, I am going to be positive about this.

The transfer went really well, I went by myself as Murray couldn't really afford to take any more time off work at the moment. Monday's are my FS's day on duty so she did my transfer for me which was nice. For once I knew everyone in the room (and they were all ladies) so I was quite comfortable. I had some cramping afterwards but nothing too major. All of a sudden though I had the most horrific stabbing pain in my abdomen. I was driving at the time and nearly crashed my car because it was so sudden and agonising. I had to pull off the road and do some serious breathing to get through for about five minutes when it started to fade away. I spoke to the clinic afterwards and they said that it was probably my uterus contracting and that I should be fine, but to call back if I experienced any further pain. Luckily enough I was fine after that, bar some slight cramping later on.

Event though I know logically that the embryo can't slip out of me, I still was fearful about going to the toilet or walking too fast, just in case. I guess just one of those things that make you feel safer about the whole thing, that I am doing everything possible to help.

I have a busy week ahead at work so that should keep me distracted for the moment, but my beta isn't scheduled until Monday November 10th! That is still two weeks away, there is no way it should be that far away! I definitely intend to test before then, but will try to hold out until next Monday at least. I so badly want our little bubble to stick.

Oh and for those interested. The wedding was ok. Just ok. Long story. Short version is that my sister in law isn't the most thoughtful person and despite our differences, and Murray and I making a huge effort to make her day work well, we didn't even get a thank you for our effort, absolutely no appreciation. Anyway, that sounds very bitter and I guess I am a bit at the moment. Photos coming shortly!


  1. Glad to hear that the transfer went well. Best of luck with Bubble!

  2. I'm so happy to hear that it went well, AND with all ladies to boot! That's great! I'm sending you hugs and lots of good juju!
    Have a GREAT day,

  3. Yeah bubble! Stick, stick, stick!!!!

    Nov. 10th - I'll mark my calendar!

  4. crossing my fingers that your bubble sticks!

  5. Hi! I'm over from lost and found. Congrats on your transfer! I read your story, and you've been through quite a ride-one that I can relate to.

    Best of luck for the bubble to stick!
