Saturday 4 October 2008


So it has been 25 days since I was diagnosed with depression and things are definitely a lot better than before. Some days are still hard, and sleep issues and anxiety are still around but as a whole, I am feeling pretty good.

We have made the decision that we will try another FET cycle once my period arrives. No matter what we are doing in our life, we want children to be a part of it, and I'm not willing to give up just yet. I don't know whether we will go again straight away if this cycle is unsuccessful, but I definitely want to at least try.

We have also sat down to really discuss going overseas, and both opened up about what is going on with each other. I think we understand a bit better where the other person is coming from, and should Murray get a job offer from Singapore, we will most likely be going. It is an experience that at any other time in my life I would be excited about, and I am. But it's just a lot to take in, so we are going to take it as it comes, and hopefully things fall into place along the way.

I love my husband and relationships are about compromise. If you can compromise but not 'sacrifice' then I think it is worth it. Murray has absolutely been my rock this past month, I am so grateful that he is here for me.


  1. I am so glad that you are feeling better and that you and DH were able to talk. The best thing you can do is just take one day at a time! ((BIG HUGS)) to you!

  2. So glad to hear your tone improve. And opening up to your partner can be so liberating! Cheers to feeling better! xox

  3. i'm so glad that you're feeling better.

    we're both very lucky to have supportive husbands! and btw, have you thought of moving to canada? it's great here!

  4. Keep me posted on the Singapore option. If you have any questions I'm here. Best of luck.
