Thursday 22 October 2009

waiting and more waiting

Just waiting around at the moment - I hate this part of it all. The not knowing what is going on.
We have our first adoption work tomorrow - Adoption and attachment parenting - all about the special needs of parenting an adopted child.
It's one of three seminars we need to go to before we can be assessed to be adoptive parents.

I feel weird putting so much effort into the adoption stuff while still doing IVF, who knows - I could be pregnant right now! But I know that if I am not pregnant, I don’t want to fall to pieces, and starting the adoption process is a way for me to still feel like we are doing something positive.

None of the other embryos made it to blastocyst stage, so no spares in the freezer. Please God, please let me be pregnant.


  1. I think it makes perfect sense to have your back-up plan in place, just in case. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you're pregnant right now!

  2. Hoping you're knocked up Bec!!


  3. hoping,hoping,hoping for you Bec xxx

  4. Hoping, praying and anything else I can think of for you!

  5. You are constantly in my thought Bec, I really hope the woman in the dream I had last night about the +HPT is you xoxo
