Friday 16 October 2009

So this is what a normal egg collection feels like!

I feel actually pretty human. Usually after my egg collection I am a wreck in so much pain from a combination of hyperstimulation or from going for the really immature eggs, but none of that today, just a little bit of cramping and a little out of it.

We got 20 eggs, of which 12 were fully mature, and the rest we will do IVM on. It's actually a good result for, much less than what we normally get but we needed to do something to stop me from getting OHSS and fingers crossed this will work. It's strange to be wanting not many eggs when it is drummed into your head that more is better!

So now all I can do is pray.

Dear Lord,
Please look after our embryos and help them grow strong.
Murray & I would love to be parents to a child, and we believe this is in your plan for us. I put all of my worries and concerns to you, because I know you are the only one who can help us.
I ask all of this in your name.


  1. Heres hoping for you Bec...


  2. I'm so glad that you're feeling not so bad. I only hope for the best!

  3. Great numbers! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!!
