Thursday 29 October 2009

'The Perm'

'The Perm'

Still getting used to my new hair, but I'm definitely on the liking it side. Not quite in love, but in like.

Am testing tomorrow morning. 99% dont think I am pregnant. But still have that 1% bitch of hope. I haven't tested since Monday (which I totally know was ridiculously stupid - but what can you do when a girl is given tests!). I just honestly don't feel any different whatsoever. No sore boobs or cramping. Going to the toilet often but I have been doing that even before the transfer, so probably more from my egg collection than anything.

Murray and I had a good talk tonight to prepare ourselves for the likelihood of a negative result and how we will cope. I am so scared for him. But he will be okay I think. He told me tonight that he didn't want to use his sperm anymore, no matter how hard it is to cope with the thought of not having a biological child, it would be harder to keep going and string his hopes along.

So I guess I will see in the morning with the result... please, please, please, please, please....


  1. I really really hope that you get a BFP tomorrow morning.

    Good luck!

  2. Your hair looks great! I love it!

    Sending you so much love and good JUJU! No matter what happens, you and Murray will get through it. I believe in you two! You are AMAZING!

  3. You look gorgeous Bec :D and I am crossing everything I possibly can for you and Murray. Please dear god let my dreams of a BFP come true for you, I really hope this is it, you deserve it so much lovely xoxoxo

  4. You look gorgeous Bec!! I still remember my first perm in my early teens LOL.

    I have curly/wavy hair naturally and so am in love with my straighteners!

    I went to the hairdresser yesterday as well, got my hair stripped and lightened!

    Good luck with testing today I hope you get a BFFP!!


  5. Your hair looks great!!!!

    I hope that you get your BFP Bec! Crossing everything for you!
