Monday 11 February 2008

Back on the rollercoaster

I received a phone call from the clinic this morning, a patient had cancelled and they wanted to know whether we would like to see our FS earlier. Of course we jumped at the opportunity which is how we ended up at Bethesda hospital at 6.30pm.

Our Dr went over the last cycle which she said went very well, except obviously the end result. The only thing that she did mention was that the egg collection was quite difficult as my follicles were very small, which is why I was in so much pain afterwards. When we do our next fresh cycle, she wants us to prime with FSH for a little longer than last time, so that the follicles are a little bit bigger, which I am fine with.

I also asked the question at what point would they consider a double embryo transfer. She pretty much laughed at me and reminded me how old I was. I kept it together though, and really pushed for an answer. She said after I had three failed transfers, then they would consider a double transfer, but they don't like doing them in younger patients (under 38 years old). Aaaarrrrrrgghhhhhhhhh!!!

Financially it was a big strain on us to do a fresh IVM cycle without private health insurance coverage, we were out of pocket a LOT of money in the first cycle, so we have decided that we can't do another fresh cycle until May when our PHI kicks in. We explained that to Doreen, and we made the decision together to go ahead with a frozen embryo transfer (FET) with our frozen blastocyst. There is a chance as we only have one embryo frozen, that it may not survive the thawing process (our clinic has a 70% thaw rate), but it's a risk we are willing to take, otherwise we will just sit around twiddling our thumbs until May.

We thought we would have to wait until next cycle to begin, but as I am only on Day 6of my cycle, we are able to go ahead with our FET this cycle! Even though I have long and screwy cycles, we have decided to go ahead with a natural cycle, to minimise the drugs in my system. I have just realsied however that i have to go away for three days for work on the 26th February which could mean I need to go on HRT to control my cycle a bit more. Who knows, will have to have another chat to the clinic to discuss our options.

We are both really happy and excited about giving this a go :-)

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