Friday 29 June 2012

Chemical pregnancy

Unfortunately my blood test today confirmed that it was a chemical pregnancy. I'm okay, I think. I'm not sure what to do now. I just want everything to freeze in time, so I can deal with everything and get myself okay with where this is all at.


  1. Oh Bec :( I'm really sorry. I'm thinking of you and Murray, and thinking of you xx

  2. So sorry to read Bec :(

    I just got a call an hour ago and our ivf failed again. Egg fertilized and all looked well, but it didn't devide, we have been trying for 3,5 years now and every road seems to be blocked as soon as we enter it. I read your blog for years and thank you for sharing, it helps to know others suffer the same disappointments and heart ache. Lots of strength for you both to deal with this new disappointment..

    xo Nat

  3. Oh honey

    I'm just so sorry xx

  4. oh bec im so sorry,please know that im thinking of you guys

  5. This just isn't fair :-( so sad for you Bec, take care xo

  6. I stumbled upon your blog from another one. I am so sorry for your loss. My husband and I are on the journey to parenthood via IVF as well. Our 3rd attempt ended in an early loss 2 months agos. You are in my thoughts.

  7. All my love Bec. This is crap and unfair :(
