Saturday 22 January 2011

What's the point?

After a few comments on the blog, I sat down and tried to work through some things in my head. I was getting quite down about it all, and those negative feelings were influencing how I was thinking about the whole donor situation. So let's break it down.

Someone has come on my blog, and said that people know who I am, where I work, and who P is. What I would like to say in return is - what is your point? Is that meant to be a negative comment? Is having a donor meant to be something to be ashamed of? Or is it meant to be an attempt at intimidating me that people at work will know about our situation?

I'm not sure I see any positive out of that comment, but let's try and take it that way for a minute. Good point - people do know who I am. I have never hidden who I am on this blog, I don't use an alias, I make my email and facebook details available for people to communicate with me, I share intimate details of my life and conception journey. But I know all of this and am comfortable with it.

I was even featured in the major daily WA paper on our IVF treatment when we were lobbying against cuts in government funding for fertility treatment. Half page photo, with my name and intimate details spread for the world (or at least the city) to read. Instead of snide comments or negativity, I instead received emails of support from over a dozen people at my workplace, supporting me and telling of similar stories that they or their friends had been through. So I do have experience with my workplace knowing my story.

The only other thing I can assume you are inferring is that P will be identified through my blog. Firstly P & his wife both have the link to my blog. Secondly P's wife also has an online presence through a local message board, so is aware of how 'heart on the sleeve' the internet world can be. And thirdly, if you hadn't read the initial message, while we don't plan on shouting it from the rooftops so every employee knows our situation, we don't have an issue with people at work knowing.

I don't know who you are. I have some idea but whether it is the person I am thinking about or not, ask yourself - why are you here? Are you here to be supportive? To check on my progress? Do you wish me the best? Or are you here because this is how you get your thrills, seeing us have to make emotional decisions, watching us as we experience the pain of childlessness. If you aren't here to wish me well, I would say to you - Look at yourself and the person you are and if this is the person you want to be. I can't stop you from being here and reading my words.. But you can.

If there is another point to your comment that you would like to make - go ahead, please. I am taking this as a blessing in disguise, as it has given me the opportunity to work through some things in my head and made me stronger in my resolve to continue blogging, openly and honestly.

Through the last two days, I kept thinking - What's the point? What is the point of the anonymous comments, the baring of my soul on this blog, the pain, the fragile times, the emotions, the lot.

So what's the point?

The point is that we know our child is out there. Whether through adoption, IVF or naturally, we know that God has a plan for us to be parents. So whatever is thrown at us, it is worth it. It will all be worth it.


  1. Fantastic post honey.
    Kindly telling them to fuck off!!

    I'm so glad that you have decided to keep blogging and openly, this is your 'house' and people should respect that.

    Love ya honey

  2. Don't let negative gutless people get to you hon.. there are always haters out there in the world.. the fact that this person is too cowardly to even identify themselves and own up to their comments is pathetic at best and as far as I'm concerned the only response they deserve from you is a quick push of the delete button on their comment... xx

  3. Argh. Stupid anonymous comments! After receiving a nasty one on my blog I've changed my settings.

    I am so sorry that you have to deal with this. It is your choice and your road to parenthood. You have been so open (something I admire since I'm not brave enough to be public about our struggle) with everyone. How dare you get attacked!!!!

    Sending you hugs!!!

  4. Dumb commenters! I am so sorry you have been harassed. Keep up the blogging!

  5. Well said Bec.

    I wonder if gutless Anon will now step up and reveal themselves and give you the apology that they owe you.

    Do you know if this person actually knows who you are? Or are they pointing out that as it is a public blog and you have given enough details about your workplace that it wouldn't take much to figure out who P is?

    Either way, if this person knows you well, it would have been far kinder to contact you directly and let you know their concerns instead of the aggressive anon commenting. The way it was handled, it has served no other purpose than to cause upset.

  6. Brilliant post, a well thought out reply.

    I say keep on being you, imo, raw and real is the only way to blog.

    Love ya guts and I LOVE your closing paragraph - oh so true!


  7. Oooohhhh I like this! I'm sorry you got an idiot reader, but know we're all here to have your back!

    I think it's your choice to go the donor route and a good one at that!

  8. Yay for you. I know my grandchild is out there too!!!!! xxx

  9. SO well said. I'm proud of you, beautiful. Stay strong xxx

  10. Sorry to hear someone is trying to make your life difficult for whatever reason they may have. I think your post says it all.

    Oh and I have given you a blog award. Check out my blog for more details:

  11. Great post. I don't know why people bother to be such arseholes about other people's lives. Keep up your honesty!

    Thought I'd better check out/follow everyone who is attending the AusBlogCon. Pop over to bigwords if you get a moment x

  12. Hi Bec
    How are you? I hope you are feeling OK now. I am someone who checks in on you from time to time and am following your journey keenly and with hope in my heart.

    I have mentioned my story a little to you too... after many rounds of IVF with my own (old) eggs, have finally gone the donor egg option. Flew to Cape Town a couple of months ago, and had a wonderful experience... alas, the first 2 donor embys that looked so strong and fabulous didn't stick around.

    We will go back for FET soon, fingers crossed.

    But in the meantime, I have been 'attacked' by a 'good' friend for not sharing the truth of our Cape Town holiday with her... as if it was her god-given right to know everything about our private medical pain and baby journey. Sometimes people disappoint you and surprise you with their insensitivity. All we can do is keep looking forward and not backward, as my wise taxi driver said tonight, after hearing me recount my pain on the mobile to my Mum. Wise words indeed. Nobody can know what we go through except us, and we just have to hold true and hold tight to our dreams.

    Elizabeth xx
