Thursday 20 January 2011

A meeting of the minds

We met with P & his wife today to talk about the possibility of P donating sperm to us. Murray & I were both really nervous leading up to tonight, and I was about 50/50 whether or not we would accept the offer. Once we got there though and we met his wife and little boy, it calmed us down and we were able to have a really good conversation about everything.

My main two concerns were that firstly we could still work together professionally without it interfering. We basically decided that at work things would still be normal, but if someone asked the question, or if either of us wanted to divulge at work, that we were okay with it. But as a general rule it would be our business not anyone elses.

The second thing is that they are comfortable with having an ongoing relationship with us and the child, not formalised as such, but just a general understanding that if our kids want to spend time together, or know more about backgrounds, that is okay. They were happy with that which is good. My main reason for wanting a known donor over an unknown donor, is that if you go the anonymous route, the revealing of the donor details at age 16 or 18 becomes this big event, something that is built up through a child or teenagers formative years, and then it becomes a big deal. Whereas if our child knows its biological background from the beginning (which of course it would anyway), but specifically being able to see a photo of the person or ask questions etc, then it's just part of their life story.

We talked a bit about P's family, their interests, genetic history etc. P has a very musical family apparently, he is also a bookworm and comes from quite a smart family. He is originally from South Africa. His wife and him love water sports, and often go scuba diving and snorkelling. They tried for 12 years to have their little boy, and they used a donor egg to have him along with P's sperm. He does have late-onset diabetes in his family and has eye strain, neither of which worry us.

Before their son was born, P decided to become a donor through their clinic (which also happens to be our clinic), so his sperm has already been tested, quarantined and they have been through counselling, which means the usual three and six month waiting periods aren't required for us. However we will still need to do a counselling session together as it is a different scenario to anonymous donation, and they are very happy to do that.

There is one catch to all of this. They have said that they offered for altruistic reasons initially, but they are also wanting to try again for another baby which means they need to find an egg donor. They would like us to consider that, if and when we should fall pregnant successfully and give birth, that we might like to donate some of the remaining embryos to them to try to conceive. They have said that that would only be after we had a baby, not while we are still trying.

I was a little taken aback at first, but after thinking about it, it honestly sounds like a good idea. I have always said that I wanted to donate my eggs after I completed IVF, and this lets me kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. The only real issue it raises is that if we both fall pregnant, that our children will be full-blood siblings. I probably need to speak to a specialist counsellor or find someone to talk to who has been in this situation, because while I can't see any major issues with it, there may be things that I haven't considered that could be issues there. (PS - if you know of anyone who has done this - please leave their details below - Ta!)

They made it clear that the egg donation was not a condition of them donating sperm, it was just something to consider.

We have talked it over, and we will talk some more over the coming weekend just to make sure we aren't getting swept away with everything, but so far so good.

The plan at this stage is to do set up counselling appointments over the next three weeks, do the ovarian drilling, and then do DIVF in April.

Wow - a new plan in less than a week!


  1. Aurgh just lost a big comment.

    As soon as i read that they had used an egg donor to conceive their lovely boy, alarm bells went off for me. Not bad alarm bells, just ones that make me think you need to explore the "no obligation" thing a bit further. I feel like no matter how much both parties genuinely believe there is no obligation for a reciprocal donation, it will always be a bit of an elephant in the room.

    Having said that, if its what it takes to get thee a baby, then bloody go for it. Every family is different, and created in a different manner, and I kind of love the concept of knowing there is a full blood sibling with completely different birth parents floating about somewhere.

    So long as I get the first cuddle, I give my permission for you to reproduce in any way you see fit. Cool? :P

    LJ xx

  2. Hey Hun,
    I really wasn't going to comment, but I found myself thinking about it all day long.
    They are not done having a family, and I would strongly recommend taking time, months and months to think about it.

    I didn't work with a donor, but with surrogate, and time and time again I see things going very very badly when someone donates gamates or is a surrogate before they have finished having their own family.

    Just make sure everyone is 100% on board, this will be your friend genetic child, is he going towant to play the role of second dad? When someone donates who is done having a family it is very different then when someone is not done having a family. I don't want you to get hurt or wind up in a custody battle. Check the laws in your country first and make sure that a custody battle can not happen.

    I'm sorry if the comment makes yup angry, I really just don't want you to get hurt.

  3. Hi - I've been lurking for a long time but just wanted to say congrats on getting another step forward - I know how exciting it must be. It seems to me your going into this with your eyes open which is good. I also agree with the above comments a little bit though as emotion and the desire for a child can sometimes cloud the facts a little.
    In the end, it will be your decision and only you and your husband will know what's right. Good Luck and I hope your dreams come true!

  4. I never thought I would find someone in the same situation we have. My best friend's husband "s" donated the sperm, I donated an egg. This was to conceive the first child in both cases, they got pregnant (twins)at the first try, we didn't. I have to say that during the first 8 months of life of the twins, I knew my place, never felt like I wanted to mother their children, I was sad, actually devastated.. but I recovered. We got pregnant after the 3rd IVF, and "s" was willing to donate sperm as long as we needed to try. We had a beautiful child 20 months ago, unfortunately at the same time I had a hysterechtomy, hence no more children. I feel cheated because I wanted a large family, do I wonder why I didn't have twins also? of course! But never in a million years would I think to get custody of their children, they are a family.. I have mine, and count my blessings every day. Our agreement is to eventually explain to our children where they come from, I worry sometimes about the confusion this could cause, but like you, I much rather be able to tell my child who helped us create her.

  5. Hi Bec
    I kinda agree with what everyone has said! (they all make perfect sense to me!)

    Personally, I will donate eggs, but only when I am done with making my family! I feel that if someone else got pregnant and I didnt, that would be really hard.

    Going through IVF is hard enough and I will be at peace knowing I can help someone.. but selfishly wont be able to until I am ready.

    does that make sense to you?
    I know what Im trying to say.. hope you understand what I mean!

    I think its awesome that you have this opportunity, but like everyone said, read the small print!

    I am praying for you girl! for wisdom, patience and hope
    Aimee xx

  6. Don't listen to that nasty piece of work! It is always sad that to make yourself feel better you have to resort to being so dispicable. Any child would be so lucky to have you and murray as parents. I hope you get to experience a fraction of the love and the joy that you have brought me by being my daughter. Love you xx

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Meh - I can't stand nasty/mean anonymous comments.

    If you're brave enough to be nasty and call someone an idiot then be brave enough to put your name to it.

    Love to you Bec and good luck with this!

  9. Well gee. Only one person at work had this web address which kinda narrows it down to who the comment was made by. Please tell me who the idiot is again?

    And in case you can't read, we are okay with people knowing. It's not the end of the world, unlike not being able to have a child at all.

  10. I'm not the Anon, but - it isn't as though you make a secret of who you are. Don't jump to conclusions, because you're likely to be very wrong. I don't know who you are IRL, or where you work - but someone that came to your blog that knew you would figure it out pretty easily, no?

    Anyway, my comment was - do they know the issues you've had with even harvesting eggs? As long as you've been upfront about that, all should be fair, imo. If you have eggs to donate, great. But every chance says that you may not.

  11. I agree, Anon might not be who you think it is. So yes, don't be jumping to conclusions. Putting a few choice words in Google leads you straight to this blog, especially since you advertise the fact that you are a blogger to your work colleagues!

  12. Wow, you all sound so cool! I think it is great what the other couple and you are considering. Good luck!
