Sunday 9 January 2011

Delurk yourself

Yup - it's my first official delurk-athon. OK I am coming to the party a little late, but here goes. Delurk yourself below, and tell me something about yourself - where you are from, your favourite colour, and what your big goal is for yourself in 2011. Looking forward to hearing from you all!

PS - I promise there is a new post coming, thoughts are brewing, just need to get them down on paper.


  1. I'm Luisa I live in Perth, I'm currently in Italy on holiday enjoying the cold weather before getting home to the heat. I've been diagnosed with PCOS and this year after I'll be trying IVM but I need to lose a little weight so this year my goal before the end of Feb is to get healthy in body and mind. I have my own blog too where I'm also documenting my journey. Xx

  2. I'm Rachel from Sydney. I was part of the November 2005 brides group 5 years ago and have followed your fertility journey since then with much hope and concern for you. My favourite colour is red. No big goals for 2011.

  3. I'm Kim from upstate New York. Found your blog as a link from another IF blog...look forward to cheering you on as you make the journey to parenthood :) My favorite color is yellow- I guess because it makes me think of those childhood drawings of the sun. My goal for the 2011 is to graduate as an RN in MAY!!!

  4. I'm Mia from Perth and I've followed your blog here from Bellybelly, I also stumbled upon you (same username) on Vogue Forum! My goal for 2011 is for FSWA to get me up the duff. My favourite colour is red.

  5. Hi I'm Hannah (31) from Narbonne, France, I've found your blog when I was looking for info about IVM. Have been following it since. We have been trying for a babe since 2009, and have had 2 miscarriages. They are currently researching what might have caused it. I have auto-immune issues that might play a role. My AMH was very low so we have been told ivf is no option for us.
    Fav. colour: yellow.
    Wish for 2011: healthy pregnancies for us all!!

  6. Hello! I'm Emma from Manchester, England. I can't quite remember when I first read your blog but I have followed for a while. My favourite colour is green (I'm a red head) and this year my goal is to read the BBC's Top 100 best ever books. It's hard!

  7. Hi, my name is Jay from Brisbane.
    I came across your blog whilst researching IVF info, I have even lurking for a while now.
    My goal for 2011 is to have a healthy baby, three failed Ivf cycles last year so hoping this year brings us luck (and you too!)
    My favorite colour is grey. All the best.

  8. I am from Texas. I have been following you for sometime. I am not sure how I started reading your blog. My favorite color is Blue and my goal for 2011 is to blog more.

  9. Hi, I'm The Barreness from Melbourne, and I started reading your blog from (I think) a link off Behind the Mask. My favourite colour is aqua, and goals for this year are to finally see a 5 at the front of my weight, get my 10km speed to close to 50 minutes and have a successful cycle for TTC#2. Wishing you the best of luck for 2011!

  10. Hiya, I'm from Otago, NZ and stumbled across you while frantically searching for IVF blogs before we started our first cycle. Favourite colour is orange and my absolute dream for 2011 would be for IVF#4 to work - stims start Thurs, please let this be our time. Best of luck for 2011 and your trip will be awesome!!
