Sunday 21 February 2010

Donor update

Well actually there isn't all that much to update. I rang the clinic last week to see where we were on the sperm donor waiting list, and apparently we still have another couple of months to wait. So much for there being no waiting list, or only taking 2 months. I've been told to expect early April, but that could all change depending on donors and how many people are doing treatment around this time.

I'm trying not to think too much about it, I really am enjoying my life at the moment and am trying not to dwell on fertility stuff. It's just hard to always have this thing in the back of your mind, wondering and worrying...

I went to a 3rd birthday party at my best friends place for her little girl Mia on Saturday. She put on such an amazing event with pass the parcel, a perfect birthday cake, and activities for all the kids. But I couldn't handle it. Practically every person there was a mother or father and all they could talk about was kids and babies. It's not their fault, I know that, but I realise that I don't have anything in common with mothers. I don't have my own child, a baby who I love with all of my heart. I don't know about sleeping patterns or how to soothe a baby's cries, or deal with teething. Because I am not a mother. And I don't know if or God-willing when I will be.

I also went to another friends little boys 3rd birthday this morning. I love little X and feel very spoiled that I got to make his birthday cake (a Blue's Clues cake - pics coming soon!), but once again, as much as I love him, he is not my child. It really hurts.

I don't expect anyone who hasn't been through infertility to get it. People can sympathise, and they understand that we hurt, but nobody can truly understand the pain deep in your heart. The yearning for a child that you can love with everything you have. No matter how much I distract myself from it, that pain is always there.


  1. Oh yes I get the not fitting in or feeling like you belong.

    I've drifted from my bestie because of this. She's hanging around well with other Mothers because well she has a child and so has things in common with them, whereas we just don't have THAT much in common anymore and it hurts everytime we spend time together.

    Bec I get it and I pray and hope and keep everything crossed, that you get to join that club soon.


  2. Gosh that must have been hard to see all those little kids and listen to all their parents talk about stuff you cannot identify with. I wouldn't have been able to do it :(

  3. I feel like a total fraud when I'm around my fertile friends kids! I usually join the men in whatever they're talking about 'cos I'm at the point where I can't fake it!

    When I saw your photos on FB I thought how hard those parties were for you. You're a brave lady Bec!

  4. I can imagine how difficult it is for you and I am sorry you hurt. I wish I could take away all your pain. Sending you lots and lots of love!

  5. you are a brave lady... im sorry you have to feel like this but im your friends are really lucky to have you in their lives willing to be there for them at the expense of yourself.
    i hope april comes soon for you

  6. Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.

    I'm on the outs with a friend of mine because I couldn't make myself go to the birthday party for her son and daughter. It was at an indoor playplace and it was going to be chock-full of little ones. And when I tried to tell her why I couldn't go, she just didn't get it. And now she's angry with me.

    Sigh. As if this is a place we wanted to be.

    Love to you and peace and patience as you wait.

  7. New Lurker if thats ok :-).

    I lost alot of friends along the way due to not going to b.days etc but I had to protect myself some how. Your a tough cookie!!


  8. Yeah, I don't think anyone who hasn't been through it can really understand the deep, heart wrenching pain. I give you a ton of credit for going to those parties! I avoided kids birthday parties like the plague. You are brave!

  9. Bec,

    I'm so sorry for your pain. I hope a donor becomes available soon.

