Tuesday 2 February 2010

Brothers and Sisters

Someone out in TV land, in the depths of the USA has had some real experience of infertility. I want to thank that person for persevering because thanks to them we have 'Brothers & Sisters'. So far there have been storylines involving miscarriage, IVF, adoption and now egg and sperm donors and surrogacy. The new season started yesterday on TV (So no one give away any plot details please!) and it was refreshing to sit down and see issues that I can empathise with on the box. Certainly better than Neighbours or Home & Away!


  1. Bec, it doesnt take much to be better than those two shows, but i agree, its good to hear of shows that are dealing with real issues and its even better when they deal with them in a realistic manner!

  2. Neighbours HAS dealt with infertility, miscarriage and surrogacy. Sure it's not top notch drama (also imagine it doesn't have the financial budget of a show like Brothers and Sisters!) but hey don't short change it, it has, does and probably will deal with issues that are relevant to many including Infertility and such.

    I did *heart* watching Brothers and Sisters last night though I will admit, I didn't watch the last series for some reason but am looking forward to getting back into this season!

  3. I love Brothers & Sisters! Living in the US, the season started in September, so I can tell you (without giving too much away), that it gets even better in terms of dealing with real world infertility issues.

  4. I haven't had the chance to watch Sunday's episode just yet, but I have spent many a night crying after watching the show!

    My favourite thing is the fact that Kitty and Robert adopted a black baby! I love it!

  5. Oh really? I avoided it thinking it would be another bunch of crap. Will give it a whirl now, thanks Bec.
