Monday 28 July 2008


And I was right…

I was called into my bosses office today and told that they would feel 'uncomfortable' if I started uni because my project is too big, and I already get migraines and am doing IVF and that is too much pressure and cant support me doing uni this semester.

It was also reinforced that although my boss 'knows that I do the hours', the perception is that I come in late to the office all the time and don’t work back enough etc. I am *this* close to standing up at our next team meeting and telling the world that "I am doing IVF, thank you for your concern but I am well and truly meeting my hours at work". I know a few people would be shocked - not by the IVF but that it is a confrontational thing to do and I am not a confrontational person, but I am at the point where I have really had enough. Not with the work that I do - that doesn't stress me out. What stresses me is the lack of understanding and real leadership in the branch. My boss thinks she knows everyone better than they know themselves and the truth is she doesn't!

I also got told that I am too 'up and down' in the office. She admitted that I have never 'bitten anyones head off like other people in the branch', but somedays Im really smiley and others Im not. Great. So not only do I not work hard enough, I'm not perky enough. Shoot me now.

Murray and I are considering moving to Dubai in January. Has anyone been to Dubai before or lived and worked overseas? We have been thinking about Dubai in particular because number 1 - tax free dollars! But also there is a heavy focus on education which will make it easier for Murray to get a teaching job. But there is so much research that I need to do! Like can I get a job there? What IVF clinics do they have and how much do they cost? What hospital facilities do they have? Are there lots of other ex-pats living there? Can you travel around easily? So many questions!


  1. Come to Singapore!! It's close to home and gateway to Asia and Europe.

    Tax rates are pretty good, the highest bracket being 18%!!

    They have so many international schools over here...check the local papers I'm sure you'll see jobs advertised. There's a HUGE Australian school.

    Good luck.xx

  2. Ugh. That sh*t at work sounds awful. I got in trouble a few years back when I was a bank teller for only smiling at a customer once during their transaction. And that wasn't ALL of my customers that day, just ONE. I can't believe that being perky can be a job requirement! It just isn't fair!!

    Oh, and I don't know anything about Dubai! But it sounds really exotic!

  3. Tax rates may be low in Dubai, but you should also check out housing and other living costs (high as it's a booming place and the perception is that expats can afford it). And the general Middle Eastern attitude to women as 2nd class citizens may also not thrill you!

  4. We know a few people in Dubai, and while they're making pretty good money, Dubai has a funny policy with people never ever getting to become citizens...I've heard if you are Caucasian, you're treated well, but if not...not so much.
    Definitely try to find others who are there to get a better idea of their experiences, that should help.
    Good luck with whatever you decide. :)

  5. There are only a few states and companies in the US that cover fertility treatments.

    Consider this vs leaving Australia.
