Monday 23 May 2011

Back into the lions den

How quickly this year has gone. I feel like it was only yesterday that we took down the Christmas tree (actually it was only last month - oops!). Time has drifted by, carrying me along with it. So many things happening all at once. But once these things are done, there will be peace and rest. Uni is nearly at exam time, and then a break for a month. My sister-in-laws baby shower is this weekend, and then the baby soon after. We finished our three month mandated waiting period for counselling and had our final counselling session on this weekend just gone, so no more stress about whether it would be approved etc.
So here we are, ready to throw ourselves into the lions den again. Depending on how long my current cycle it is (blood test indicated I was about to ovulate on Saturday), we will start IVF again using our known donor next month. I am scared, nervous, fearful of hoping, yet not able to stop the hope creeping in. This is our shot, quite possibly our last stim cycle. We have had such a long break from treatment with my last cancelled cycle in September last year, and I haven't had an egg collection since September the year before, 2009.

We are also extremely lucky that Murray's parents have agreed to use their credit card to make the upfront IVF payment, and then we will hopefully have a decent tax return to pay them back in July *fingers crossed*. Without that, we would not have the resources to pay for another round of treatment.
This time is going to be different. We are using a known donor who has had success in the past, so we have proof that it can work. I know I can fall pregnant, my body has done it before. Now it's about connecting the dots, having faith, and keeping my sanity at the same time.


  1. Connecting the dots is exactly how I've been thinking about this cycle for you guys. I'm cautiously hopeful, it feels different this time, you know? Love xx

  2. Thinking of you as always, I hope this donor is the blessing you have been waiting for xo

  3. keeping everything crossed that this upcoming cycle, delivers a babe right into your arms xxx

  4. LJ sent me. I am hoping for you. xx
