Thursday 24 February 2011

Aussie Bloggers Conference

Something I am very excited about that is nearly upon us is the Aussie Bloggers Conference!!! Australia's version of Blog Her - we are finally getting a chance to meet with our fellow bloggers from around the country.

I will be flying over to Sydney mid-March to meet up with some of my gorgeous friends in the blogosphere, as well as hopefully making new friends with some of the fabulous bloggers in attendance.

I have to admit that I do feel a little intimidated about going. After all the target audience is the "mum, parenting and personal bloggers". I fit into the personal bloggers category sure, but aren't I the anti-Mum, anti-parenting blog? Plus all the other fears when meeting new people - will they like me, am I too fat or unfashionable, what if they don't like my blog? I guess we will find out come March!


  1. i am sure you will do fine.

    though i will be honest and say i would have REALLY loved to have gone but i get the feeling that despite encompassing all 3 types of blogs and bloggers, i believe the first two will be heavily featured and i already feel like enough of an outcast in the oz blogosphere at the moment, imagine paying to feel like that - hmmm no thanks.

    i hope you come back and post tales of me being wrong and i HOPE you have a fabulous time!

    maybe next year when i've got my mojo back good and proper!!


  2. Hide in the corner with me. I am organising a posse.

  3. Three categories isn't really fair is it? Perhaps they should have broken the "personal" group up into more specific sub-groups.

    Have a great time Bec and I hope you enjoy your stay in Sydney!

  4. Look forward to meeting you Bec. From the meet ups I have been to bloggers love talking about blogging regardless of what type of blog you have. And I am starting to think way too much about what am I going to wear!

  5. YOU will be AWESOME!!!!!
    And if ANYONE gives you a hard time I say bring it on! I will come and sort them out!!!!!

    You will have a fantastic time and it will be great to have some time out and enjoy yourself.

    So be 'NIKE' like and be fearless!

    Mum xxxx

  6. Can't wait to meet you at the conference... I don't really care what anyone blogs about, just being able to sit around and talk blogging with people who get it (and don't roll their eyes or laugh at me) will be awesome!
    Though I am a little scared and have no idea what to wear LOL

  7. Totally agree with Kate. We are gonna be totally rocking it with our own kind.: )

    See you there!

  8. We are all bloggers and it will be great! This is my first visit to your will be wonderful to meet you IRL soon too!

  9. It's all about the blogging and getting together with other bloggers - looking forward to meeting you!
