Wednesday 24 March 2010

Day 82 and counting

Now officially my longest ever period... which my body would just work for once. Premature menopause perhaps?

I've been pretty busy lately between work and uni, which has been a good distraction for me considering that we have done absolutely nothing fertility-wise.

I called our clinic yesterday to get an update on where we were at on the waiting list and have been told that they haven't progressed very far through the list and should now expect around May to get the call for a donor. Great.

It's not like I'm dying to jump back into treatment- in fact I'm quite enjoying my time out from it all - not worrying about whether I have taken my injection or taking time off work to do my egg collection. I'm slowly losing weight - down about 4.5kg at the moment, and I am genuinely enjoying my work and home life. But there is always that niggly feeling that something is missing.

Another friend had a baby on Tuesday, during the biggest storm that Perth has seen in decades. I am so proud of and for her - having the amazing home birth she wanted, but a part of me is screaming on the inside "When will it be my turn".


  1. Wow that is a long cycle. My longest is 50 days. I understand liking the break. I hope that you continue to find happy things to think about during the wait.

  2. I totally understand how frustrating long cycles can be, I once went 223 days between cycles. I hope it comes to an end soon.

    Well done with the weight loss, that is great!


