Saturday 27 March 2010

Be careful what you wish for

I finally got my period after 84 days- and it is a b*tch. I am in agony and hormonal as a motherf*cker. That's a lot of swearing right there but it huuuuurrrttts. I want to curl up into a ball and cry like a baby.
I was having such a good weekend, I went to personal training, then went out to this pretty lake to meet friends for a picnic and walk. Things were going great, I popped all my picnic stuff and bag in the car and we went for a 15 minute walk. Only when we got back to my car, some bastard had smashed my passenger side window and stolen not only my handbag but the rest of the picnic stuff from my car!
I am so angry right now - thank goodness they didnt take the laptop or anything that was in clear sight in the back of the car. The area is very public which 100's of people around so they probably only had time to reach in and grab the stuff right there - a couple of cd's and the two bags.
Luckily I had taken my purse and phone with me on the walk otherwise they would be gone as well. Unfortunately my digital camera was in there, as well as a whole bunch of jewellery in my makeup pouch from the ball we went to last weekend.
I just want to catch a break, that's all. Surely that's not too much to ask for?


  1. That's awful Bec, the period and the burglary. Big squishy hugs and hoping for a dramatic upturn in the weekend ahead

  2. I'm praying that you get a break soon Bec!!!!

  3. Crap on all fronts. I am sorry!
