Friday 22 July 2011


I have officially hit the quarter century milestone! Mid-20's, just wow. I feel... old. I know, i know, logically I am not old. But these last few years have been tough, and it just feels a little strange to hit this particular milestone.

We had plans to go out for dinner and a movie tnight but Murray has picked up the dreaded 'man flu', so my bestie picked up takeaway for us, and we watched le Tour de France rugged up in front of the heater, while getting plenty of cuddles from our puppies. Overall it was a really lovely day.

I guess onwards to 30 now - surely I can't be that old!!!!


  1. You are definitely not old! Happy birthday Bec, I hope that you have a year full of blessings!

  2. I'm so jealous Bec. I feel so haggard and old, what I would give to be mid 20's again.

    You have so much time ahead of you, and a wonderful, faithful, supportive husband. I am sure you are going to have the children you both dream of whether they be your own or through adoption.

    My own journey to become a mother is now over but I will always be cheering you on and hoping your dreams come true xo

  3. I hope the next five years to the big 3-0 see you achieving your greatest dream and laying the foundations to many more. You look young and beautiful and you have everything ahead of you my dear. I know how this path can make one feel weary though, I really do. But nights with puppies and besties and heaters and yummy food goes such a long way to easing the burden. Enjoy the nice stuff lots and lots xxx
