Sunday 13 December 2009

My Christmas Present from Murray

I've decided that I need to get back into my fit and healthy lifestyle - I am now 10kg heavier than I was in July 2008 which sucks balls. Big time. Most of that weight I have put on this year since the miscarriage. I know I have every excuse under the sun for why I have put it on, but that doesn't make the weight go away. Stupid time of year to start trying to get healthy again but it's worth a shot. I don't want to come out of the christmas season even bigger than what I am now.

So my Christmas present from Murray this year is...

A new bike! I haven't owned a bike since I was a kid, I even had to borrow one for my triathlon earlier in the year, so I decided to get my act together and get myself sorted! A new bike store opened up a couple of weeks ago in our area so we decided to check it out - and we picked out this baby for me! I also got a new helmet, lock and lights and am getting the lights and a drink bottle holder installed. I get to pick it up in about a weeks time which is very exciting! My gym is about 2km from my house, which I find too far to walk to there and back after doing a hard workout, but the perfect distance for a quick ride which will be my new goal.

So my health plan is to get myself in shape so I can go in the same ladies triathlon that I did this year - and try and beat my score! I will still stick to the mini-version, but I definitely want to go a lot faster than what I did before, fingers crossed.

I'm not going to deprive myself over christmas, but I am committed to making good choices with my food and drink over the festive period.

Not long til Christmas now...!


  1. That's a great bike! I would love to have one of those! I could ride it to school. I hope you love riding it and it makes you feel fabulous!

  2. How cool!!!! I haven't had a bike since I was 12 years old!

    You'll have to take some action shots of you on your new bike!
