Monday 28 December 2009

Chaos - And other news

In other news, it was a shitty Christmas for Murray and I, in more ways than one! We managed to get gastro on Christmas Eve and spent all Christmas Day and part of Boxing Day vomiting and taking turns using the only bucket in our house - now that is a picture of wedded bliss! We are just starting to feel normal again today, our neighbours have had the bug as well as a few other people in the area - not nice at all. It also meant we slept on our couch all day and didn't go to either families christmas breakfast/lunch which was quite sad. Christmas is my favourite time of the year and I feel like it has completely missed me by now. I was very spoilt by Murray though. In addition to my fantastic new bike, I got given Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum which is equisite - my first item of Chanel!


What else is going on.... my youngest brother (the good one!) is moving over 4000km away to live in Brisbane next week. He is in the Australian Army and has been based at Swanbourne Barracks in the SAS for the last 18 months, but now has been posted to a Brisbane unit. I am really happy and excited for him but also sad that I wont get to see him very much. He turns 20 in January and I realise he isn't a kid anymore, but he is and always will be my baby brother. I guess after all the drama with my other brother, it makes me appreciate Daniel even more and how he goofs off and can always make me smile. I am very nervous that he may be posted overseas when he is in Brisbane. I have caught pieces of conversation about a possible posting to Afghanistan in March which scares the crap out of me. But that is what he trains for so... far too much to think about anyway, and there is no point worrying about something that might not happen - especially when I have so much other stuff going on in my life!


Fertility Specialist appointment on Jan 4 - Freaking Out. Nuff said.


  1. I have the same 'smell nice' as you, it's wonderful and my absolute favourite!

    I'm sorry you had such a crappy Christmas (no pun intended)

    I am truly hoping that 2010 will be the year for you and your hubby.


  2. Mmmm Chanel! Probably my favorite perfume ever! Enjoy smelling so BEAUTIFUL!

    I'm sorry about your brother. Those decisions are hard to make. I know it may not feel like it, but you did do the right thing. Hang in there, love. Feel better!

  3. I'm so sorry you were both ill over Christmas, what a nightmare. Now you know what to buy Murray for his birthday - his own bucket!

    Sounds like your misbehaving brother doesn't want to do anything to help himself so all you can do is let him lead his own life and learn the hard way. It must be incredibly difficult for you, but you don't need to be dragged through the muck with him.

    I will be thinking of you on Jan 4th xo
