Monday 29 December 2008

Google Reader

First let me say that Google Reader is my friend. It's so cool to be able to know immediately when a friend has updated their blog, saving me from endless visits to websites when they might not update for a week (like I often do - sorry guys!)

However today I have spent the better part of the morning culling my blog list. I used to read close to 90 blogs and have now brought that number down to 40. I did it for a number of reasons, but I guess the main one is self-preservation. So many of the women that were going through the same thing as me when I joined the blogging world have now moved on to fall pregnant and have children. I don't begrudge them for that because, hell - that's what we all want to happen! And I'm so glad it happened for them. But especially reading those bloggers that I'm not as close to, and hearing about the wonderful things their babies are doing - well it just seems like I'm a glutton for punishment.

Don't worry, I'm not going to start ignoring you all. Fact is, if you've commented on my blog, you're not the one that I'm talking about.

OK if that wasn't the most roundabout blog I've written, i don't know what is. Let's just finish by saying I love you guys and I don't think I would have gotten through the last 18 months without all of your support. It has been amazing :)


  1. I agree, on two accounts. Before I was reading IF blogs I could keep up with a few friend's blogs, but without Google Reader there's no way I could deal with all of the IF blogs that I follow.

    And I do sometimes weed blogs out once they move on to pregnancy or parenting. The bar is set much higher for those that are -- if I'm still reading them, I must really like what they have to say or have a real connection to them.

    Here's to self-preservation!

  2. I'm another fan of google reader! Makes life so much easier!

  3. right back at ya!

    i'm having a harder and harder time reading now-pregnant IF bloggers.

    google reader is a dangerous thing -- then again, i don't need to use it now that i have access to my blog at work!

  4. I have done the self-preservation cull many times Bec, I was just too chicken to ever mention it, lol xo

  5. Merry Christmas, well I stared TTC in March 2005, and have been blogging, under different blogs since August 2007, so I totally understand, when going through a hard time full of change I deleted my blog and took 4 months when I didn't read any blogs, many I have gone back to reading and some I'm just not interested in.
    What's odd is on my blog roll are women who are pregnant, who are trying, who conceived after numerous IVFs and one who even got knocked up the old way, there is even bloggers with babies, some how i now can enjoy all of them, but I'm all about the self preservation.

  6. Oh, lord, I know. It's practically impossible to keep up with everyone in the blogosphere. Sometimes I love Google Reader and sometimes I hate it, depending on the sheer volume of stuff I need to catch up on. Sigh. Too bad we can't get paid for it, huh?

  7. I, on the other hand, keep ADDING blogs to my reader...because sadly, people keep losing babies.

    It is getting a little overwhelming to keep up with them all and I'm starting to feel like they need categories so I can navigate my own blog better!

  8. Man, now I need to learn about google reader! You are the reason I started a blog in the first place and now I have to learn more!!!!
    Happy New Year dear girl and I really and truly hope it is one xxxx

  9. Self-preservation is about self-care, you do whatever you need to do Bec xo

  10. Bec just checking in, hope you are ok xxxx
