Monday 15 September 2008

A rocky week

This past week has been one of the most difficult that I have ever been through. Not because of any external factors, purely just because I had to live through what is going on in my head. It is such a rollercoaster ride, one moment I can feel completely normal, the next I get jittery, lethargic and tension fills my head.

Last week was really scary. Feeling suicidal was the most out of control thing, I can't even describe how I felt. I was sitting at my desk at work, rocking back and forth with tears in my eyes, and trying to work out the best way to kill myself without making a scene at work. I have always believed suicide to be a cowards way out and I utterly despise it, but I hated my life so much at that moment, and I hated what was going on in my head. It felt like I was on drugs, this restless agitation where my brain could not stop thinking a billion and one things at the same time.

I have become extremely clingy to Murray. Usually we are quite independent of each other, but I feel this need to be close to him right now, needing to hug him and hold his hand all the time. He doesn't mind though, I think the last week has really frightened him as well. The anti-depressants are helping I think, I have been on them for a week and it has been up and down but overall better than I was before them.

We decided to cancel our FET cycle. In the end it wasn't a hard decision to make, I just can not deal with anything else in my life right now. Falling pregnant isn't magically going to make me happy, I realise that, so it is something that I can put on hold for the moment until I am feeling better.

At this point I don't have a plan for how I am going to go back to work, but I am expected back in the office tomorrow. I have to call my supervisor by the end of the day to let her know what I am doing, but I know that I have put them under a lot of pressure just by taking this time off now. I have some long service leave that I am hoping I can use to give me a bit of breathing space. I dont know whether it is possible or not, but it might be good to take one day off a week for the next month, just so the stress doesn't get to me like it has been. If I took Wednesday off, it would make the week more manageable for me, well at least I think it would.

The real issue is that, until I go back to work, I don't know what I will and wont be able to handle. I know my boss wants to give my job to somebody else, they have already told me that I am not coping with the workload and unfortunately this position is too important to share the workload around, the person in the position needs to cope with that. Does that mean they will find me another position? I don't want to be starting a new job the way that I am right now. I also don't want to be meeting new people and learning new tasks, because I can't give it 100%. I know there are a lot of tasks that aren't as time sensitive that need to worked on, and those would probably be more suited to where I am at right now. But do I really have the right to ask to pick and choose my work? I never have in the past and I feel quite selfish for work having to make arrangements around me. But as they keep saying, I am apparently an important part of the team. And looking at it from a pure business point of view, it takes a lot more time and money to train a new person and years to get the knowledge and experience that I have, it makes sense to keep me around, even if I'm not as productive right now.

So much to think about. I am entering panic mode again.


  1. Hang in there hun - everything works out in the end and if it doesn't work out, it's not the end...You are not alone. xx

  2. Take care of yourself. Work can wait and they will understand. Wishing you the best of luck.

  3. Big hugs to you! Take care of YOU! I'd take some time off work, if you can and just take some "you time". Thinking of you and sending you some peaceful days.

  4. Bec - I have so been there. I went through a stint of severe depression about 7 years ago and was actually hospitalized for a while after a suicide attempt.
    The most important thing you can do is to take care of yourself anyway you can. Try to make sure you areound good, supportive people and avoid those who are not.
    If you need anything...please let me know. There are a lot of people out there that just can't fathom suicidal thoughts. I can, cause I have been there.

  5. Suicidal thoughts aren't necessarily the coward's way out - I used to think that way too until I suffered depression and started experiencing the same thoughts. It is like an act of desperation, you just can't bear the pain anymore and there doesn't seem to be any other answer to resolving the pain.

    I also became extremely clingy with my hubby, that is an anxiety thing for me.

    Much love and crazy hugs to you Bec, I'm here for you all the way!

  6. I could have written that myself. I hope you can find a much better place within yourself soon. I'm sorry I can't offer any advice or help, I wish I could, but I just don't know how to deal with things myself at the moment. Take care of yourself and I hope that things start to look up for you very very soon.
    Here from ICLW.

  7. Over from ICLW,

    I am so sorry that you are going through so much. I am quite frankly surprised that the whole lot of us (ttc-ers) aren't on anti-depression meds. Hang in there. My thoughts are with you.

  8. Oh, sweetie. I'm so very sorry for how you're feeling. Believe me, I've been there and I've reached the other side. You can, too. I'm here from ICLW and I'm sending you all the good vibrations and thoughts that I have.

  9. Hang in there - take care of yourself. I'd take time off work to help give you some peace. It helped my hubby when he suffered some depression to not be working.

