Sunday 18 May 2008

Injection Misfire

Oh I am a silly one! You think that you have it all down pat and then something happens to make you realise that you really are a dork. I got up this morning very groggily to do my Gonal-F injection, stumbled into the kitchen, forgot the alcohol swab, struggled to put the needle in the top and then injected myself without dialing in the dose! So I had to pull the needle apart again and start from the beginning! I wont be making that mistake again in a hurry!

In other news, somehow I have managed to catch the flu. I have felt a bit yucky for a couple of days with an especially sore throat but didn't think much of it until last night. Full body aches, feeling hot and cold, an annoying headache that wont go away just add to my list of annoyances. I haven't exercised since Thursday night and I'm already feeling withdrawals. Hopefully I will start to feel better for boot camp tomorrow night.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you can get rid of the flu by EPU. First morning jabs never work well for me either!
