Friday 30 May 2008

Egg collection booked!

I have been full of doom and gloom the last week or two, but I'm feeling slightly more uplifted today. I had my scan this morning and my follicles have grown a little bit which I'm really happy about.

Todays scan:
Left ovary (mm) 19, 17, 16, 15, 15, 13.5, 13, 12, 10, 10, 9 < 10mm
Right ovary (mm) 19, 14, 13, 12, 11, 11, 14 < 10mm
Endo 10.6mm, Estrogen 5500

So everything seems to be headed in the right direction. My favourite nurse did my scan and I told her that I was worried about not having a decent number of mature eggs. She tried to reassure me that it was a good thing because no OHSS (how much do they go on about that!) but then she made a really good suggestion - that Steve should do IVF on the mature eggs as planned, but to also retrieve the immature eggs so that they can do IVM on those also! Now this is something that I thought about at the beginning of the cycle and was quite keen on but never really brought it up because of our failed IVM attempts previously. Janet, the nurse, went and spoke to my specialist Doreen who said that she is willing to get all mature and immature eggs furing my EPU and they will speak to Steve in the next day or so to check that he is okay with doing IVM on any immature oocytes. That makes me feel soooooooo much better.

I know that with our history with IVM, the likelihood is that none or possibly one will make it to blastocyst out of the immature eggs, but that is still better than not trying it at all. And god damn it, if I am going through all of this, I want to try every single option available to me. I may even have an embryo to freeze - woohoo! I'm trying not to get too far ahead of myself, I need to get to EPU first, and then to transfer. Then I can start to prepare myself for actually having a result, that has the slight possibility of me actually being pregnant. Wow. I said the 'p' word. I think I need to go back into my cave now!

So my egg collection is booked in for 9am on Tuesday morning. I have to continue with 225iu Gonal-F & Orgalutran injections tomorrow and Sunday morning, then I do my Ovidrel trigger at 9pm Sunday night. Monday I get to do nothing and just enjoy my wonderful Foundation Day and then I have to be at the hospital at 7.10am on Tuesday morning. I'm totally shitting myself over it all but am starting to get a little excited - we are actually going to get there!


  1. YAY! Sounds like you're moving along nicely!

  2. Awesome! Enjoy your holiday Monday and good luck for Tuesday!

  3. Fantastic news Bec. So happy to read this post :)
