Wednesday 7 May 2008

AWOL Period

Well my period has gone AWOL on me, I am currently on CD 34 and nothing. I had really bad cramps and PMS on Friday and Saturday, so I thought it must have been on it's way, but that has cleared up and my period is still nowhere in sight.

I rang the clinic to ask them what to do and they sent me for a blood test yesterday afternoon to see where in my cycle I am. I still track my cycles in Fertility Friend, which seems to indicate that I may have only just ovulated, if I have ovulated at all. Who knows!

I am in two minds, I want AF to come so that I can get started with the next IVF cycle, but the longer it takes to arrive, the more boot camp exercise sessions I can fit in :)

1 comment:

  1. Well it's good that either way, there's something positive for you! :) Whatever's best will happen...and hopefully soon! : )
