Wednesday 19 September 2007

Why did I even bother

Everybody told me not to, but did I listen... nooo.I had to help my brother. Fat lot of good that did. Mitch & Alicia are back together, he has ignored the police order and gone to her house and they have sorted it all out apparently. He rang me to tell me and I said I wish he had waited until the order had expired at 9pm. He started yelling at me and abusing me until I hung up. Then he rang back and did the same again until he hung up. Then I sent a message trying to calm him down and he called back again. I told him to stop being so disrespectful and he hung up. Im in tears.I knew I shouldnt have helped, I should have left him to sort it out himself, he has anger management issues and its just not my problem. But I cant do it. I try so hard to do the right thing, I cant just abandon my brother but I have to, if there's one thing Ive learnt today its that I need to make a clean break. I love those kids so much but as much as it hurts me not to see them, I cant be around those two. If I do, Im only asking for trouble.

I'm so angry, upset, confused, sad and just plain stressed out which is really what I do not need right now.


  1. Hey Bec... sometimes you have to let people run their own lives and learn the hard way.

    Unfortunately, your brother is still so young and he has so much to experience. It might hurt him alot now but it will shape him and teach him things that he won't learn from his loving sister.

    Just take care of yourself hon, you are the most imporant person in your life!
